Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids
Summer is my absolute favourite time of year. The kids are home all day long and we have so many things we want to do!
In order to have the best summer ever, we try to have a list of things we want to make sure we do before school starts up again.
Summer season goes by too fast, it’s like we blink and it’s back to school. I guess it’s because our days are so busy and we have so many things to accomplish. I find the busier we are, the faster time flies.

The Purpose Of A Bucket List
A bucket list is simply a list of activities or goals that you want to accomplish in a set time frame. People create bucket lists for all sorts of occasions, more popular ones being before the end of life or the travel around the world lists. Most of the time, a bucket list is just a list of goals you want to accomplish in life.
But who says bucket lists need to be long term or complicated? No me!
Have a blast this summer and check off your list day by day until you’ve had the best summer ever and did all the things you wanted to do.
Generally our bucket list is nice and short, and very relaxed.
Due to the ages of my kids right now, we like to keep things super simple and play our days by ear.
Some of our favourite bucket list items are to hit up brand new play parks that we have never been to, see how many hot days we can spend splashing around at different splash parks in the area and most of all we want to make sure we never waste a day sitting around.

Bucket List Ideas
- Camping
- Backyard Camping
- Build A Fort
- Fly Kites
- Have A Watergun Fight
- Have A Water Balloon Fight
- Find A Fair
- Visit The Farmers Markets
- Attempt To Plant Something In The Garden
- Go For A Nature Walk
- Splash At The Beach
- Eat Too Much Ice Cream
- Ride Bikes And Go Rollerblading
- Watch Movie Outside With Friends
- Gaze At The Stars
- Watch Summer Storms
- Catch Fireworks
- Learn Hopscotch
- Jump Rope
- Run Through Sprinkler
- Find A Garage Sale
- Berry Picking
- Play Frisbee
- Pass Ball With Family In Large Field
- Go Wildflower Picking
- Catch Bugs
- Try To Catch Frogs
- Go To Mini Golf
- Try The Slip N Slide
- Swim In Outdoor Pool
- Go To A River And Collect Rocks
- Jump In Puddles
- Go To The Zoo
- Go To The Lake
- Do Lots Of Summer Crafts
- Bake Cookies
- Blend Smoothies
- Create DIY Popsicles
- Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast (Banana Ice Cream Is Our Favorite)
- Keep Reading Daily
- Visit The Library
- Climb A Tree
- Visit The Petting Zoo
- Hang A Bird Feeder In The Backyard
- Design A Backyard Obstacle Course
- Create Large Bubbles With Different Materials
- Have Late Night Bubble Baths
- Roast Marshmallows and Hot Dogs
- Go To An Amusement Park
- Attend A Parade
- Take A Road Trip
- Feed The Ducks
- Have A BBQ With Friends
- Watch The Sun Set (or Rise)
- Get Ice Cream For The Ice Cream Truck
- Volunteer At SPCA
Bottom Line
Summer is full of possibilities, that is why I love it so much. There are so many things to see and do and I think honestly I am more excited than my kids when it comes to keeping busy in the Summer.
Are you going to create your own bucket list?
Pick 25 things you really want to do this summer and write them down.
Go Do them!
Have so much fun.