30 Genius Essentials for Your Second Baby
As a mom of three, I’ve been around the baby block a couple of times. With my first, everything was about discovery and getting those ‘newborn essentials.’
However, for my second bundle of joy (and eventually my third), I found that the needs were quite different.
You’re more experienced, sure, but you’ve also got a whole new set of challenges! So, here are 30 genius essentials for your second baby that I wish I knew about earlier.
Double or Sit-and-Stand Stroller
A lifesaver for strolls with both your babies. It’s a must, even if your oldest isn’t a frequent stroller rider anymore. A double stroller keeps your older child contained and safe while you’re attending to the baby.
I loved the Joovy Caboose – but there are quite a few options out there. I just found this one wasn’t super long and heavy and I enjoyed it.
Baby Swing
A baby swing is a must-have to soothe baby #2 while you focus on your older child’s needs, giving you some precious hands-free moments.
Here is my guide on non toxic baby swings if you need ideas – Also I LOVED my Mammaroo…but not every baby does!
Swaddles will help baby #2 sleep soundly, ensuring you both get the rest you need during those early months. My third baby loved being swaddled and she slept SO well for the first 3 months with it. Sleep was not so easy after the swaddle period was over.
Sleep Sacks
I enjoyed putting my babies in sleep sacks because they can’t have blankets so it’s just the safer option. My climate is cool, so a sleep sack is kind of essential.
Baby Monitor
With baby #2, a baby monitor becomes essential for keeping a watchful eye and ear on the newborn while attending to the needs of the older sibling or managing household chores.
It can be SO hard to find a quality baby monitor – we liked this one!
White Noise Machine
White noise machines help drown out household noise, making it easier for baby #2 to nap, even when the older child is playing or making noise. You do not need a special baby white noise machine either – this is the one we use.
Good Breast Pump
A reliable breast pump is essential for maintaining milk supply and allowing mom to store breast milk when she can’t directly breastfeed, ensuring baby #2 gets the best nutrition.
I highly suggest a Medela brand breast pump, but there are a lot of options out there. It really depends on your needs. A double pump will be the best because it will take less time to pump more milk!
Haakaa Silicone Pump
This can be used to collect milk from one breast while feeding baby #2 on the other, helping mom build a freezer stash or relieve engorgement. This was actually a game changer for me with baby #3. And it’s not too expensive at all – a must have.
Drool Bibs
With baby #2, it’s crucial to keep outfits clean from drool and spit-up, especially when on the go, saving mom time on constant clothing changes. And who knows, your baby might be a drool monster – haha I had 2 of them. My first baby didn’t drool much at all!
Bottles and Nipples
These provide flexibility for feeding baby #2, allowing mom to share feeding duties with a partner or caregiver and providing a break when needed.
I suggest Dr. Browns glass bottles – those were my favorite.
Soothers/ Pacifiers
Pacifiers can help soothe baby #2 when mom is occupied with the older child or needs a moment to herself.
A Good High Chair (One That Even A Tiny Baby Can Sit In)
A high chair suitable for a tiny baby ensures that baby #2 can join the family at mealtimes from an early age, making mealtimes more manageable for mom. If it’s in the budget the Trip Trap is an amazing choice.
Car Seat
An essential safety item, a car seat is needed for baby #2 to ensure safe travels, whether it’s picking up the older child from school or going on family outings.
Big Diaper Bag
With two children, mom needs a spacious diaper bag to carry essentials for both kids while on the go.
Diaper Disposal Bags (Ditch The Genie!)
In place of a diaper genie, because I always forgot to empty mine, or forgot to buy more bags, I really like using diaper disposal bags.They’re basically like doggy poop bags, and I can just throw them into my garbage bin and not have the whole house stink. Frankly quite genius.
Baby Bathtub
Bathing baby #2 in a dedicated baby bathtub can be safer and more convenient than using the regular bathtub, especially in the early months.
Quality Baby Towels
Soft and absorbent baby towels ensure baby #2 stays warm and comfortable after baths, simplifying the post-bath routine.
Bath Toys
Bath toys can make bath time enjoyable for baby #2, giving mom a chance to engage and bond with both children during the daily routine.
Wipes – So Many Wipes
The more wipes, the better, as they are versatile for diaper changes, quick cleanups, and wiping little hands and faces, saving mom from running out of supplies.
Baby Lotions
These help keep baby #2’s delicate skin moisturized, especially in dry climates or during harsh weather conditions.
Change Pad
A portable changing pad is essential for on-the-go diaper changes, ensuring mom is prepared for unexpected messes when away from home.
Baby #2 needs socks to keep tiny feet warm, and having a good supply ensures mom won’t struggle to find a matching pair in a hurry.
Comfortable pajamas for baby #2 ensure a cozy night’s sleep, giving mom some much-needed rest as well.
Teething Toys
Teething toys provide relief to a teething baby #2, helping reduce fussiness and making it easier for mom to soothe her little one.
Security Blanket
A security blanket can offer comfort to baby #2, providing them with a sense of security when mom is busy with the older child.
Indestructible Books
These books are perfect for baby #2 to explore and chew on without worry, making them a durable and safe option for early reading experiences.
Baby Carrier
A baby carrier allows mom to keep baby #2 close while having her hands free, making it easier to attend to the needs of both children simultaneously.
PlayPen / Travel Crib
This provides a safe space for baby #2 to play or nap when visiting friends, family, or traveling, offering convenience for mom on the go.
Nursing Pillow
A nursing pillow can provide comfort and support during breastfeeding sessions with baby #2, ensuring a better feeding experience for both.
Milestone Blanket
Capturing and celebrating baby #2’s milestones with a milestone blanket helps create cherished memories and keepsakes for mom and the whole family.
Receiving Blankets
Receiving blankets have numerous uses, from swaddling baby #2 to providing extra warmth, ensuring you’re well-prepared.
Car Seat Cover
This is great to cover the baby if it starts to rain, or keep them warm in the snow. There are so many options for car seat covers, so get the kind that fits your climate best!
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