Ways Misaligned Teeth Affect Children’s Social Development
Children with misaligned teeth are often vulnerable to bullying and teasing, which affects their emotional well-being and ability to build relationships.
Learn more about the ways misaligned teeth affect children’s social development and how to promote better oral health.
The Impact of Misaligned Teeth
Children can be cruel and often single out those who are different. A child with crooked teeth may become the target of hurtful remarks and jokes, possibly leading to social isolation.
As any adult with painful memories of being teased can attest, being a target of teasing can negatively affect a child’s self-esteem. Their confidence may dwindle, which leads to hesitation in speaking, smiling, or engaging with others.
Misaligned teeth can also cause problems with speech and make it difficult for them to pronounce certain sounds accurately.
Help Your Child Cope With Teasing and Bullying
Your first impulse may be to confront a bully’s parents, and let’s face it, that won’t be a calm, adult conversation.
But as tough as it may be, parents need to equip their kids with skills to handle bullies. You can’t always be there to protect your kid.
Make sure your child knows that it’s normal to feel hurt by teasing or bullying and that the bullying is not their fault. Teach your child how to respond to hurtful comments assertively without engaging in aggression. Additionally, try to help your child feel confident with their misaligned teeth. While there may be ways to fix their smile down the line, teaching them to be confident now will help them stand up to bullying.
Make sure your child knows they can come to you with any problems they face. If the bullying continues, inform school officials and work together to develop an action plan to address the issue.
Your child may worry that “telling” about bullying will make it worse. Reassure your child that speaking up about bullying is the right thing to do and that adults are there to protect them from bullies.
Prevent Misaligned Teeth
There are ways to prevent the development of misaligned teeth and treat developmental problems with the teeth, jaws, and soft palate when children are young. The most important way is to make sure you take your kid to a pediatric dentist as soon as teeth begin to emerge. The earlier you start professional dental care, the better chance you have of avoiding those thousands of dollars worth of braces you’re already worrying about.
Another important way to prevent the development of an over- or underbite is to address thumb sucking. Thumb sucking is a widespread habit among young children, and it’s one of the leading causes of misaligned teeth. Don’t resort to yelling or threats of taking away their favorite treats or toys. If you can’t stop the habit on your own, ask your pediatric dentist how to break the thumb-sucking habit.
It’s vital to recognize the impact of misaligned teeth on a child’s social development. By addressing these issues early and working closely with dental professionals, you can help your child develop stronger self-esteem and a healthier smile.