Tips for Creating a Kid’s Art Gallery Wall
Showcasing your child’s art can inspire creativity and beautify your home in a unique way. Use these tips for creating a kid’s art gallery wall.
Your child’s art doesn’t have to live solely on the refrigerator. A gallery wall with your kid’s art can make your home feel and look more vibrant. Follow these tips for creating a kid’s art gallery wall.
1. Pick the Right Location
Before you do anything else, decide where you want to showcase your kiddo’s art. Where you place the art determines how often people see it, who sees it, and how much space you have for the gallery. Location can also influence whether you want the art to look more formal or casual.
Art is a great way to add personality to your kid’s bedroom. And if your child makes their masterpieces in their bedroom, the gallery wall can inspire more creativity.
2. Have Options for Change and Constancy
The next tip for creating a kid’s art gallery wall is to balance change and constancy when choosing how to hang the art.
Just as your kid’s artistic interests and skills adapt over time, so too should the art showcase. Art rails and large clips are two hanging options that make it easy to swap out old pictures for new ones.
But you might have a few favorite pieces that you and your child love. Keep this art on display for longer with a picture frame. Add a mat, the paper material that surrounds the picture in the frame, to create a heightened artistic mood.
3. Consider Themes
When choosing what to showcase, consider themes. This might sound more serious than it needs to be, but ultimately, you want the pictures to look great together. Even if you want an eclectic look, consider how the colors and shapes in different pieces complement each other.
One fun option that can bring the artwork together is to include family photos on the gallery wall. Your child’s drawings will bring a unique energy to your family photo display. If you have photographs that correspond to activities and events that your child has drawn, consider using them in the gallery.
4. Balance the Frames
Finally, before you hang any art on the walls, determine the layout of the frames. You can test out any looks by tracing the frames on kraft paper. Cut out the tracings, then place double-sided tape on the back of the paper. Now you can test out different configurations by sticking the kraft paper on the walls.
Leave about three to six inches of blank space around each piece of art. The larger the art piece, the more space it should have around it.
5. Use neutral colors for the background
Creating a neutral colored background behind your kid’s art is a great way to set the mood and show off the art. You can choose a color or a shade of grey, brown, or beige to help improve the look of your gallery wall.
6. Don’t be afraid to mix media and materials.
Because your kid’s art is your child’s creations, feel free to mix media and materials. For example, you can include art made from crayons, pencils, watercolors, and more. There are no rules for what kind of art you can use for your gallery wall.
7. Try using a black or white border around each piece of art
This can give each piece of art a more polished look, which can make your gallery wall look more professional. Try using a black or white border around each piece of art and then frame your kid’s art to create a more polished look.
Have fun!
Creating a kid’s art gallery wall doesn’t have to be an overwhelming or tedious task. Kids will enjoy helping to select and decide where each piece of art should go on the gallery wall. This is a great way to get your child excited about art and let them know how proud you are of their creations, not to mention the memories these special pieces of art hold.
Your kid’s art doesn’t have to live solely on the refrigerator. A gallery wall with your child’s art can make your home feel and look more vibrant. Follow these tips for creating a kid’s art gallery wall.